The blog I found is called:
seven seals chakras buddha jesus krishna photons god magnetism (chi)
(That the text style the blogger uses for this title displays all the words above as lower-case names/titles/nouns/concepts/etc. is possibly very poignant to how this blogger thinks; nonetheless, that is not something I am goint to wrestle over right now.)
Well, how did I come across the following blog again? I can't remember, honestly. Just before, I was searching for the Greek symbol Nu to incorporate into an idea for a piece of art - I basically mean to use a "computer-esque hand pointer" (as in, your mouse pointer symbol) just above the right side of the Nu symbol, so that the two symbols combine to point up. As a side note, some of the meanings of the Nu symbol is that it can symbolize the amount of "50," and in wine circles it means "the price of wine without cask or bottles." (
Well, I should first say, however I came across this blog (and it probably was due to the "Nu" image search), I was immediately attracted to the blogger's sideways references to duality, dichotomies, and paradoxes, and that is due to the fact that those are themes that run throughout my conceptual art pieces. However, I shold say that this blogger, and his blog in general, and as a representation of his/her intent, shows little interest in organization. The blog is, in other words, kind of all over the place. The fact that there is little organization to the ideas is a characteristic of many religious zealots, though this blogger may or may not refer to him/herself as a religious person, let alone a zealous practitioner (or even thinker - but probably would claim this last, at least).
(btw, I am just posting this here to save it for my future perusal, and nothing more - the religious ideals of the blogger do not really interest me, too much)
After my most immediate interest in the ideas, look and feel of the blog, the following ideas/section is what caught my interest most (this section exists towards the bottom of the entire, overlong dialectic):
From Bill Donahue of Hidden Meanings
(What the hell is this Donahue reference about, anyway?)
What we consider to be a dream somehow concocted by our brain, is actually a very real experience in a parallel universe.
In fact when your body goes to sleep the brain disconnects from the body allowing you to be activated in any one of numerous parallel dwelling places.
You are a photon (a particle of light) who has possessed a body.
Yet your actual dwelling place is in the quantum world, out there.
Your body and brain are made of stuff totally incapable of originating anything.
You the light within ,drive the body in the same way you drive a car.
You are created in the image and likeness of God who is the supreme photon of the Quantum realm. Just as the Emerald tablet states.
As the scripture says " God is light"
When your body dies you don't go to Heaven but rather you return to Quantum and instantly continue life in a parallel existence.
This is exactly why the Biblical Jesus says that "you are the light of the world" ,and that the "Kingdom of God is within you"
If you can ever bring yourself to turn away from superstitious religion you will see what wonderful sense this all makes.
Not only for you in this world but for you and your family in the parallel worlds.
Bill Donahue, Hidden Meanings
Computer analogy, since the Universe is a Giant computer, it only seems fitting.
Anyone who has reached this web blog is familiar with the internet, so let us use the internet as an analogy to understand the Secret Symbols of the ancients.
All symbols is like an internet web page with a free downloadable software that makes the symbols understandable.
If we can log on to the kosmic internet we can down load free software from the kosmic’s hard drive to our personal (ie, spiritual) hard drive. When the kosmic software downloads, it goes into either "executable" or "self executing" mode. Let us pause here because there are a number of issues:
How do we log on to the kosmic internet? Via the disciplines of study and meditation, and This is assisted by the kosmic web site diagram known as the Tree of Life.
How do we find on the web page the link to the free kosmic software? The particular symbol we are looking at, is a specific web page that has the program "zipped" inside it.
To help you find the link downloading that program we are writing commentaries over a period of time for each page of the Secret Symbols. These commentaries will lead you to the right link. Once we down load the program, it "unzips" on our spiritual hard drive if it is "self executing". We recognize this as an illumination experience.
How do we "unzip" the program so that it goes into "self executing" mode? Via the disciplines of study and meditation.
What if the program remains "executable"? As with computers, we must actively intervene and take further action in order to unzip and execute the program. How do we do that? You guessed it, the disciplines again.
What happens when we execute the program? We may get an enlightenment experience, but more likely, we need to do more spiritual work on ourselves. What work?
The Great Work consisting of the 12 Disciplines, the Reconciliation of the 7 Pairs of Opposites, the 7 chakras and the 3 Orientations to God. The Keys of the emerald tablet.
1 comment:
So, I am going to say that I like some of his/her computer metaphors here, but I really am not interested in the religious dialogue aspcets of what he is saying.
Furthermore, the statement that the body and mind cannot manifest is a crock and is refelctive of this person/thought systems lack of comfort of living in the world, wherein the religious and/or spiritual zealot is always more comfortable thinking about not being as active in the world as they are hoping to get away from the constant difficulty of it all.
We manifest via the mind-body-spirit paradigm and are meant to be here to do so. The idea that we are only here as a side-trip, tripping away from what is more important in all that otherworldliness of hope, is a sort of mode of denial.
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